Rationale: Aggrecan was found in primary hippocampal neuronal cultures between pre- and postsynaptic marker proteins for both excitatory and inhibitory synapses in single plane confocal micrographs.
21/6/2017 Pim
- The images show ECM (aggrecan is used as marker protein) around synaptic elements. The authors hypothsize on a funcitonal relation; "The analysis of synapse formation with reference to perineuronal nets expression can provide important hints about how extracellular matrix helps to consolidate single cells in neuronal networks. In this work we have demonstrated that PNN-positive neurons host less VGlut1 terminals than PNN-negative ones, and thus form less completed excitatory synapses (Fig. 3A). This finding can be explained by the known capacity of PNNs to restrict synapse formation in mature neurons (Wang and Fawcett, 2012)." I agree to annotation to perisynaptic ECM based on this data.. Experimental description: "... hippocampal neuron were derived from the embryos of NMRI mice at 15.5 days post conception..." p.150