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I hired a car as
it was the easiest thing to do after exploring buses and trains,
and roughly about the same price. On my way to the station I walked
the back street to get to where all the taxis park, and found
a working foundry. I was delighted to be able to witness the molten
steel being tipped from the furnace into the ladle (a huge bucket
thingy) and then poured into pre heated moulds to eventually form
steel bars, which are then sent off to numerous businesses to be
made into stuff. What a fitting closure for my time in the steel
city. Lucky ay. I then drove down from Sheffield, with a tear in my
eye, arriving in Solva at 12.30, thank god for the old GPS!!. Wales
is so very beautiful, and I get to spend some time sailing with my
old friend before heading to Ireland on Monday. There hasn't been a
dull moment and this morning as I write I am grateful for the
stillness and focus writing requires. Id like now to proceed by
saying something insightful and intelligent about Sheffield and the
North, but I don't think my brain will let me. Anyway, here
multidisciplinary approach to this study tour has been really
interesting and I really appreciate learning about planning and
development. Not much was focused on from a community development
point of view but its all community development anyway, just
different perspectives. As our time grew to an end in Sheffield,
community centres, projects and organisations started leaping into
my field of vision, allowing me to see that there was plenty of
places to go and explore in my free time (ha ha) had I taken the
community child care centre we visited with Trevor Hogan was run
and funded quite similarly to those at home, except that it is
dealing with a city clientele, a multicultural clientele and
primarily it offers numerous services that childcare centres in
Central Vic don't. Everything from breast feeding guidance to
fathers clubs to family violence intervention. That place was one
of quite a few scattered across Sheffield, but recent funding cuts
have forced closures and now the remaining are under pressure from
greater demand for their services. Sounds familiar.
little unit was knocked sideways during the build-up to
presentations, which were brilliant, well done everyone, by the
passing of Cathy's dear father Peter. We all banded together and
stayed the distance, getting our tasks done. I just want to say,
all you people who offered condolences, hugs, cups of tea and tears
of your own are to be blessed and sincerely thanked, you were just
brilliant and I know Cathy was taken aback by how lovely everyone
next couple of days will be learning about tides and sailing
culture, nice.
- Anna Hardinge (Bachelor of Community